SQE Group Client List

SAFETY | QUALITY | ENVIRONMENT Client List as of December 2024 (including all SQE Group past & present Affiliates) sqemarine.com risk4sea.com safety4sea.com sqegroup.com 383. Derna Carriers S.A., Greece 384. Desfina NE, Greece 385. Desmi Pumbing Technology, Denmark 386. Dexter Navigation Ltd., Greece 387. Diamantis Pateras Maritime Ltd, Greece 388. Diamlemos Shipping Corp., Greece 389. Diana Shipping Services S.A, Greece 390. Diana Wilhelmsen Management Limited, Cyprus 391. Dianik Bross Shipping Corporation SA, Greece 392. Diaplous Maritime Services, Greece 393. Diego Cali & C Srl, Italy 394. Diethnis Naftiliaki Epitheoriseis Plion, Greece 395. Digital Shadows, UK 396. Dilek Transport Inc., Greece 397. Dileship Marine Corp., Greece 398. Dileton Maritime S.A., Greece 399. Dioryx Maritime Corp., Greece 400. DM Petrogas S.L.U., Spain 401. DMG Events (UK) Limited, UK 402. DND Management Inc, Greece 403. DNV Hellas, Greece 404. Dockendale Ship Management DMC Co, UAE 405. Dogru Yonetim Danismanligi Limited Serketi, Turkey 406. Dohle Seafront Crewing (Manila) Inc., Philippines 407. Dome Chartering & Trading, USA 408. Donnelly Tanker Management Ltd., Cyprus 409. Dorian (Hellas) S.A., Greece 410. Dorian LPG Management Corp, Greece 411. Doris Maritime Services S.A., Switzerland 412. Doris Navigation Ltd, Greece 413. Dorval Kaiun KK, Japan 414. Douglas Consulting, Australia 415. Dovanco Marine Inc, Greece 416. Dravo SA, Spain 417. Drew Marine, USA 418. Dromon Bureau of Shipping, Cyprus 419. Drummar Transportes Maritimos Ltda, Spain 420. Dry Plus Maritime Corp, Greece 421. DS Shipping Ltd, Malta 422. DSEC Co Ltd, Korea 423. DST Shipping Inc., Greece 424. DTS Solution, UAE 425. DTU Aqua, Denmark 426. Dubai Shipping, UAE 427. Dupont Clean Technologies, USA 428. Dutch Maritime Services, Netherlands 429. Dynacom Tankers Management Ltd., Greece 430. Dynagas Ltd, Greece 431. Dynamic Shipping Services (DSS) Ltd, Israel 432. Dynasty Shipping Co., Greece 433. E. Nomikos Corp, Greece 434. E.ON Climate & Renewable GmbH, Germany 435. E.W.Liner Charts & Publications Pte Ltd, Singapore 436. Eagle Ship Management Co Ltd, Japan 437. Eastern Mediterranean, Greece 438. Eastern Start Shipping, Lebanon 439. Eastwind Hellas SA, Greece 440. EBS Management AB, France 441. ECA Shipping Limited, Marshall Islands 442. ECOCHLOR, USA 443. Ecole Nationale, France 444. Ecomed EE, Greece 445. Econav SA, Greece 446. Economist Group, UK 447. Eco-Spray Technologies Srl, Italy 448. Ecoslops SA, France 449. Edem Marine SA, Greece 450. Edge Maritime Inc., Greece 451. Edot Solutions, India 452. EDT Shipmanagement Ltd, Cyprus 453. Efnav Company Ltd, Greece 454. Efploia Shipping Co S.A., Greece 455. Efshipping Company S.A., Greece 456. Ehime Kaiun Co. Ltd, Japan 457. Eidesvik A/S, Norway 458. Eikano Shipping and Trading SA, Greece 459. Elamira Greece Co., Greece 460. Elbana Di Navigazione SpA, Italy 461. Elburg Shipmanagement Phils Inc., Philippines 462. Eldrima Maritime Enterprises S.A., Greece 463. Elektronik Lab India PVT LTD, India 464. Element Shipmanagement SA, Greece 465. Eletson Corporation, Greece 466. Elios Navigation S.A., Greece 467. Elmar Shipping Co. S.A., Greece 468. Elmira Shipping & Trading S.A., Greece 469. Elmira Tankers Management SA, Greece 470. Elounda I Shipping Co., Greece 471. Elvictor Crew Management Limited, Cyprus 472. Elvictor Group Hellas, Greece 473. Emarat Maritime LLC, UAE 474. Emaso Shipping Co Ltd, France 475. Embassy & General Consulate of Panama, Greece 476. EMC GAS Corporation, Greece 477. Empire Bulkers Ltd, Greece 478. Empire Chemical Tanker Holdings Inc., Greece 479. Empire Navigation Inc, Greece 480. Empresa Naviera Elcano SA, Spain