SQE Group Client List

SAFETY | QUALITY | ENVIRONMENT Client List as of December 2024 (including all SQE Group past & present Affiliates) sqemarine.com risk4sea.com safety4sea.com sqegroup.com 674. Hafnia Pte Ltd, Singapore 675. Hai Soon Ship Management Pte Ltd, Singapore 676. HAIFA Marine Shipping, Israel 677. Halkidon Shipping Corporation, Greece 678. Halkitis Urania Boatyard S.A., Greece 679. Hamburg Messe und Congress, Germany 680. Hammonia Reederei GmbH & Co. KG, Germany 681. Hanseatic Shipping Co Ltd., Cyprus 682. Hanzevast Shipmanagement BV, Netherlands 683. Harbor Shipping & Trading S.A., Greece 684. Harmonia Shipping Management Inc, Greece 685. Harmony Navigation S.A., Greece 686. Hart Shipping Corp., Greece 687. Hartmann Offshore Gmbh & co, Germany 688. Havas Media Ltd, UK 689. Havila Shipping ASA, Norway 690. Hawk Enterprises Inc, Marshall Islands 691. Helios Shipping Ltd., Greece 692. Helix ESG, USA 693. Hellas Confidence Shipmanagement SA, Greece 694. Hellas Marine Services Ltd, Greece 695. Hellenic Carriers Corporation, Greece 696. Hellenic Lloyd's SA, Greece 697. Hellenic Maritime Training Institute Inc., Philippines 698. Hellenic Mutual War Risks Association (Bermuda) Limited, UK 699. Hellenic Register of Shipping, Greece 700. Hellenic Seaways S.A., Greece 701. Hellenic Star Shipping Co S.A., Greece 702. Hellespont Ship Management GmbH & Co, Germany 703. Hellespont Steamship Corporation, Greece 704. HEMEXPO, Greece 705. Heritage Shipping Co Ltd., Greece 706. Herm. Dauelsberg GmbH & Co. KG, Norway 707. Herma Shipping and Transport Corporation, Philippines 708. Hermes Harisiadis SA, Greece 709. Hermes Marine Management S.A., Greece 710. High Seas Maritime Inc, Greece 711. Hind Maritime Enterprises S.A., Greece 712. HISTRIA Shipmanagement SRL, Romania 713. HMM Ocean Service Co., Ltd, Korea 714. Hoegh Fleet Servises AS, Norway 715. Hoegh LNG Fleet Management AS, Norway 716. Holly House Shipping, Sweden 717. Horizon Denizcilik Ic & Dis Tic.A.S., Turkey 718. Hotdoc Enterprises Ltd, Panama 719. HS Schiffahrts Group, Germany 720. HSIN Chien Marine Co. Ltd, China 721. Hubel Marine Ltd., Netherlands 722. Hudson Analytix, USA 723. Humble Energy Ltd, UK 724. Hyundai Ocean Service Co Ltd, Korea 725. HYDAR SHIPPING, Egypt 726. Hydrodive Nigeria Ltd, Nigeria 727. Hydroussa Navigation Ltd, Greece 728. HYPROC Shipping Company, Algeria 729. Hyundai Global Service Europe B. V., Greece 730. I.M.A. Assessment and Training Center Inc., Philippines 731. IAMSP SA, Morocco 732. Iason Hellenic Shipping Co Ltd, Greece 733. IB Srl, Italy 734. Ibaizabal Management Services, Spain 735. Iblea Ship Management Limited, Greece 736. IHB Shipping Co EAD, Bulgaria 737. IINO Marine Service, Japan 738. IIR Limited, UK 739. Ikaros Shipping & Brokerage Co Ltd., Greece 740. ILIC Enterprises (HK) Ltd, Hong Kong 741. Ilios Shipping Co. S.A., Greece 742. Iljin and Co Ltd, Korea 743. Image Trading SA, Liberia 744. IMEQ Innovative Maritime Emotional Intelligence Center, Cyprus 745. IML Marine Services Limited, Cyprus 746. Impact Health Services Pte Ltd, Singapore 747. Imperium ShipManagement S.A., Greece 748. IMS SA, Greece 749. Ince & Co, Greece 750. Inci Gemi Isletme Ltd Sti, Turkey 751. INJEGOV SA, Greece 752. INMARSAT Global Limited, UK 753. Innovasjon Norge AE, Greece 754. INSB, Greece 755. Interasia Shipping, Malvides 756. Intercrew Phils. Agency Inc., Philippines 757. Interglobal Shipping 3001 Ltd, Israel 758. Intermed Ltd, Italy 759. International Maritime Center (IMC) S.A., Greece 760. International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize, Belize 761. International Paint Ltd, UK 762. International Registries Inc, Greece 763. International Shipping Partners Inc., USA 764. Interorient Maritime DMCC, UAE 765. Interorient Maritime Enterprises Inc, Greece 766. Interschalt Maritime Systems GmbH, Germany