SAFETY | QUALITY | ENVIRONMENT Client List as of December 2024 (including all SQE Group past & present Affiliates) 767. Internship Navigation Co. Ltd, Cyprus 768. Intership Pte Ltd., Singapore 769. Interunity Management Corporation, Greece 770. Invicta Marine Ltd., Canada 771. Iolcos Hellenic Maritime Enterprises Co Ltd., Greece 772. Ionia Management S.A., Greece 773. Ionian Fast Ferries NE, Greece 774. Ionian Shipping & Trading Corp, Greece 775. Ionic Bulk Carriers (Mgt) Inc, Greece 776. Ionic Tankers (Mgt) Inc, Greece 777. Ireland Blyth Co., Mauritius 778. Irida Navigation Corp., Marshall Islands 779. Iridium Satellite LLC, USA 780. Irika Shipping S.A., Greece 781. ISF Group International Pte. Ltd, Singapore 782. Istia Maritime Co., Greece 783. Istia Maritime Co., Greece 784. Istos Maritime Inc., Greece 785. Italian Maritime Academy Phils Inc., Philippines 786. ITC International Transport and Traiding JSC, Vietnam 787. IWS Fleet Management AS, Noway 788. J & E Marine LLC, UAE 789. J. Bekkers Co B.V., Netherlands 790. Jacinth Shipping Corp., Greece 791. Jade SA, Greece 792. Jadroplov d.d, Croatia 793. JD Crafts A/S, Denmark 794. Jeil International Co Ltd, Korea 795. Jet Tank Maritime Company, Greece 796. JILDA Shipping Ltd, Liberia 797. JLA Media Ltd, UK 798. JLMD Ecologic Group, France 799. Jo Tankers, Norway 800. Johan Shipping, Malaysia 801. John Giavridis Inc. (ShipManagement), Greece 802. John H. Whitaker (Tankers) Limited, UK 803. John J. Rigos Marine Enterprises S.A., Greece 804. John Samonas & Sons Ltd, UK 805. John T. Essberger GmbH & Co. KG, Germany 806. Joint Development Associates Ltd, UK 807. Jotun Hellas Ltd, Greece 808. JP Alliance Ship Management Co Inc., Philippines 809. Jubiliant Ship Management Pvt Ltd., India 810. Jupiter Marine Services (PVT) Ltd., Pakistan 811. JWC International Ltd, UK 812. K Ships Srl, Italy 813. K Tankercilik & Gemi Isletmeciligi fze, UAE 814. Kairis Brothers Shipping Co. Ltd., Greece 815. Kalimbassieris Marine Consultants Ltd, Greece 816. Karewood Management OÜ, Estonia 817. Karishma Marine Solutions Pte. Ltd (Karco), Singapore 818. Kargo Carriers SA, Greece 819. Kasi Malaysia, Malaysia 820. Kassian Maritime Ltd., Greece 821. Kassos Bulk Carriers SA, Marshall Islands 822. Kastoria NE, Greece 823. Katradis Marine Ropes, Greece 824. Katsikis & Sigalas Ltd., Greece 825. KBS Ltd, Greece 826. KC Maritime, Malaysia 827. Ke. Me. New York College AE, Greece 828. Keyoung Shipping Co Ltd, Korea 829. Khor Al Zubair Shipping Co LLC, UAE 830. Kimi SA, Greece 831. Klaipeda Port Authority, Lithuania 832. Klan Gemi Yonetimi Limited STI, Turkey 833. Klip Marine Shipmanagement OU, Estonia 834. KNet 365, USA 835. Knossos Ltd, Bermuda 836. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, UK 837. Komaya Shipping Co Pte Ltd, Singapore 838. Kongsberg Digital AS, Norway 839. Kongsberg Maritime, Norway 840. Konkar Shipping Agencies S.A., Greece 841. Kontor 17 MPM GmbH, Germany 842. Korea Ocean Development Co Ltd, Korea 843. Korea Trade - Investment Promotion Agency, Korea 844. Korean Register, Korea 845. Kouros Maritime (Cyprus) Ltd, Cyprus 846. Kouros Maritime Enterprises Inc., Greece 847. KPI Bridge Oil AS, Denmark 848. KPMG Certified Auditors SA, Greece 849. Kreousa Shipping company limited, Cyprus 850. Krey Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG, Germany 851. Kristen Marine SA, Greece 852. Kristen Navigation Inc., Greece 853. Kritsas Shipping (Panama) SA, Greece 854. KSS Line Ltd, Korea 855. Kuehne + Nagel Ltd. (Japan), Japan 856. Kyklades Maritime Corp, Greece 857. Kyla Shipping Company, Greece 858. KYMI SA, Greece 859. Kyowa Sansho Philippines Shipmanagement Corporation, Philippines 860. Kytheraiki Shipmanagement Inc., Greece 861. LAB021, Korea 862. Lake Breeze Shipping & Trading Inc., Greece 863. Lalizas AE, Greece