SAFETY | QUALITY | ENVIRONMENT Client List as of December 2024 (including all SQE Group past & present Affiliates) 1246. Polarchem Ltd., Greece 1247. Polembros Shipping Ltd., Greece 1248. Polforce Shipping Co. S.A., Greece 1249. Polish Baltic Shipping Co., Poland 1250. Polrom Oil Maritime, Greece 1251. POLSTEAM Shipping Company Ltd, Cyprus 1252. Pontoporia Offshore Ltd., Greece 1253. Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago 1254. Port of Brisbane, Australia 1255. Portunato & Company SRL, Italy 1256. POS SM Co Ltd, Korea 1257. Poseidon Ltd, Greece 1258. Poseidon Management Ltd, British Virgin Islands 1259. Poseidon Marine Consultants Ltd, Canada 1260. Poseidon Marine Supplies, Greece 1261. Poseidon Maritime, Greece 1262. Poseidon Shipping Co Ltd, Greece 1263. POSH Fleet Services Pte Ltd, Singapore 1264. Postma & Cohen BV, Netherlands 1265. Powertec Ltd, Greece 1266. PPG Coatings SPRL. / BVBA TSA, Belgium 1267. PPG Coatings Belgium B.V., Belgium 1268. Precious Shipping PCL, Thailand 1269. Prestige Cruise Services (Europe) Ltd, UK 1270. Priamos Maritime S.A., Greece 1271. Pricewaterhousecoopers Business Solutions SA, Greece 1272. Primarine GmbH, Germany 1273. Prime Marine Management Inc., Greece 1274. Prime Tanker Management Inc, Greece 1275. Primebulk Shipmanagement Ltd, Greece 1276. Primera Maritime (Hellas) Ltd., Greece 1277. Prisma Electronics SA, Greece 1278. Procure Ship A.E, Greece 1279. Product Shipping & Trading SA, Greece 1280. Promar Shipping Services - Portugal Unipessoal Lda., Portugal 1281. Promaritime Offshore LDA, Angola 1282. Prominence Shipping SA, Greece 1283. Prominent Shipmanagement Limited, Hong Kong 1284. Propetrol Limited, Nigeria 1285. Propulsion Analytics IKE, Greece 1286. Propulsion Dynamics, USA 1287. Prosperity Bay Shipping Co Ltd, Greece 1288. Protank Management SA, Greece 1289. PSG Procurement Services GmbH, Denmark 1290. Prosperity Bay Shipping Co Ltd, Greece 1291. PSV Hellespont Dawn GmbH & Co KG, Germany 1292. PT Gemilang Bina Lintas Tirta, Indonesia 1293. PT Karya Teknik Utama-Batam, Indonesia 1294. PT Maskapai Pelayaran Pulau Laut, Indonesia 1295. PT Pertamina International Shipping, Indonesia 1296. PT Pertaminia Perkapalan, Indonesia 1297. PT Perusahaa Pelayaran Equinox, Indonesia 1298. PT Promacindo, Indonesia 1299. PT Samudera Indonesia Ship Management, Indonesia 1300. PT. PEL. Usahagas Elpindo, Indonesia 1301. Purchasing Marine Ltd, Greece 1302. Putra Standards Pte Ltd, Singapore 1303. Pyrsos Shipping Co Ltd., Greece 1304. Q88, Greece 1305. Qatar Gas Transport Company Ltd, Qatar 1306. QMS Ltd, Greece 1307. Quale Navigation Limited, Greece 1308. Quantum Shipping Services Ltd., Greece 1309. Queensway Navigation Co Ltd., Greece 1310. Quixote Holdings Co, Cayman Islands 1311. Rainbow ShipManagement S.A., Greece 1312. Rana Denizcilik Nakliyat San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti., Turkey 1313. Ranger Marine S.A., Greece 1314. Recall Recover Limited, UK 1315. Red Sea Marine Services, Saudi Arabia 1316. Red Sea Shipping, Saudi Arabia 1317. Rederi AB Donsotank, Sweden 1318. Rederi AB Veritas Tankers, Sweden 1319. Rederi Shipping, Finland 1320. Rederiet MH Simonsen ApS, Denmark 1321. Rederiet Stenersen AS, Norway 1322. Rederij H. Steenstra BV, Netherlands 1323. Reederei F. Laeisz GmbH, Germany 1324. Reederei MS “RENATE” GmbH & Co KG, Germany 1325. Reederei TMS “Atlantic Twin” Gmbh & Co KG, Germany 1326. Reederei Nord GmbH, Germany 1327. Reederi Nord Oldendorff Ltd., Cyprus 1328. Refereij Holland Offshore, Netherlands 1329. Refill Shipmanagement S.A., Greece 1330. Reformar Canada, Canada 1331. Remi Maritime Corporation, Greece 1332. Remoy Shipping, Norway 1333. Retramar SAS, Colombia 1334. Reuters News & Media Ltd, UK 1335. Riamar Shipping, Albania 1336. Ribex Maritime Ltd., Bulgaria 1337. Rigel Schiffahrts GmbH & CO KG, Germany 1338. RightShip, Australia 1339. Rina Academy, Philippines