SQE Group Client List

SAFETY | QUALITY | ENVIRONMENT Client List as of December 2024 (including all SQE Group past & present Affiliates) sqemarine.com risk4sea.com safety4sea.com sqegroup.com 1723. Wartsila Greece SA, Greece 1724. Weco Shipping A/S, Denmark 1725. WellAtlt ApS, Denmark 1726. WellAtSea Aps, Denmark 1727. Wem Lines SA, Greece 1728. Wessex Maritime Co, Greece 1729. West of England P&I Club, UK 1730. West Asia Maritime Ltd, India 1731. West Nautical, UK 1732. Western Shipping Pte Ltd, Singapore 1733. Wilhelmsen Ahrenkiel Ship Management GmbH & Co. KG, Germany 1734. Wilhelmsen, Malaysia 1735. Wilhelmsen, Norway 1736. Winot OU, Estonia 1737. Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd, Switzerland 1738. Wisby Shipmanagement AB, Sweden 1739. Witherby Publishing Group, UK 1740. W-Marine Inc., Greece 1741. WKA Ocean Shipping L.L.C., Singapore 1742. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA 1743. Wooil Marine Co Ltd, Korea 1744. World Carrier Corporation S.A., Greece 1745. World Link Communications, Cyprus 1746. World LPG Communication SARL, France 1747. World Management Inc, Greece 1748. World Marine Corp, Greece 1749. Worldwide Green Tankers Ltd, Greece 1750. WOWBOOK Co ltd, Korea 1751. WS Fleet Management AS, Norway 1752. WSR Services Limited, Cyprus 1753. Wuhan University Of Technology, China 1754. Xavier Shipping Inc, Greece 1755. XPRO Marine AS, Norway 1756. Yacht Hub Valencia SL, Spain 1757. YachtZoo, Monaco 1758. Yamamaru Kisen Co. Ltd, Japan 1759. YARA Marine Technologies AS, Norway 1760. YASA Gemi Isletmeciligi Ve Ticaret A.S., Turkey 1761. Youth with a Mission Mazatlan USA Inc, USA 1762. YWAM Ships Kona, USA 1763. ZEA Maritime Services Inc, Marshall Islands 1764. Zhoushan Kamji Marine Agency Ltd, China 1765. Ziltborg B.V.I.O., Ireland 1766. Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd., Israel