SQE Group Client List

SAFETY | QUALITY | ENVIRONMENT Client List as of December 2024 (including all SQE Group past & present Affiliates) sqemarine.com risk4sea.com safety4sea.com sqegroup.com 1. A.B. Maritime Inc., Greece 2. A.C.A. Shipping, Greece 3. A.K. Shipping & Trading Inc., Greece 4. AA Bon Port SIA, Latvia 5. Abacus Marine Consultants Ltd, Greece 6. ABB SpA - Power Grids Division, Italy 7. ABB Turbocharging, Greece 8. Ability Maritime Ltd, Switzerland 9. Abojeb Company Inc., Philippines 10. ABS Consulting Inc., Greece 11. ABS Europe Ltd, UK 12. ABS Hellas, Greece 13. ABS Marine Services Pvt Ltd, India 14. ABYSS Aqua, Norway 15. Accelleron (Turbocharging Greece SA), Greece 16. Access Ferries S.A., Greece 17. Access Shipping Ltd, Greece 18. Acheon Akti Navigation Co Ltd, Cyprus 19. Action Maritime S.A., Greece 20. Aderco International SA, Switzerland 21. ADK Maritime PTE Ltd, Singapore 22. Admare Ship Management AB, Sweden 23. Admibros Shipmanagement Co Ltd, Cyprus 24. Adnan Denizcilik Ve Tikaret STI, Turkey 25. Adriatic Solution Ltd, Croatia 26. Adriatico Ltd., Greece 27. Adventure Offshore Ltd, Ghana 28. Aegean Bulk Co Inc, Greece 29. Aegean Bunkering Services Inc, Greece 30. Aegean Eco Carriers S.A., Greece 31. Aegean Protective Coatings S.A, Liberia 32. Aegean Shipping Management S.A., Greece 33. Aeolus Compania Naviera SA, Liberia 34. Aeromet Hellas EPE, Greece 35. Aetea Sierra Maritime Co Ltd., Greece 36. African Leader Transport, France 37. Afro Shipmanagement SA, Greece 38. Agencias Universales SA., Germany 39. Agile Denizcilik Ltd Sti, UAE 40. Aglaia Sea Transport Inc, Philippines 41. Agmar OÜ, Estonia 42. Ahoy Rotterdam NV, Netherlands 43. Ahrenkiel Steamship GmbH & Co KG, Germany 44. Ahrenkiel Tankers GmbH & Co KG, Germany 45. Aias Iolcos Shipping, Greece 46. Aims Shipping Corportation, Greece 47. Akhisar Denizcilik ve Gemi Isletmeciligi Tic AS, Turkey 48. Akron Trade & Transport, UAE 49. Al Andalus Int Nav Co Ltd., Saudi Arabia 50. Al Safina Security UAE, UAE 51. Al Wasl Marine LLC, UAE 52. Alandia Forsakring Abp, Finland 53. Alassia Newships Management Inc, Greece 54. Albamar Shipping Co S.A., Greece 55. Albert Mulder Shipping Co., Netherlands 56. Alberta Shipmanagement Ltd, Greece 57. Alcyon Shipping Co Ltd., Greece 58. Aldemar Shipping Co, Greece 59. Alert Shipmanagement Inc, Greece 60. Alexandria Shipping S.A., Greece 61. Alfa Laval AEBE, Greece 62. Alfons Hakans Ltd., Finland 63. Algoma Tankers Limited, Canada 64. Alison Management Corp, Greece 65. Alkon Holding Inc, Greece 66. All About Success (AAS) Ltd, Cyprus 67. All Seas Ltd, Greece 68. Allied Maritime Inc., Greece 69. Alloceans Shipping Co Ltd., Greece 70. Allseas Marine SA, Greece 71. ALM Yacht Management d.o.o, Serbia 72. Alma Maritime Company, Greece 73. Alma Shipmanagement & Trading SA, Greece 74. Almeria shipping ltd, Ukraine 75. Almi Marine Management S.A., Greece 76. Almi Tankers SA, Greece 77. Alnav Naftiliaki S.A., Greece 78. Alpen, Ukraine 79. Alpha Adriatic d.d., Croatia 80. Alpha Bulkers Shipmanagement Inc., Greece 81. Alpha Sigma Shipping Corp, Greece 82. ALTAIR Shipping & Trading Corp, Greece 83. Altomare S.A., Greece 84. Alya Marine Sdn Bhd, UAE 85. AMA Marine Ltd., Hong Kong 86. Amadeus Bulk Carriers Ltd, Greece 87. Amalthia Marine Inc., Greece 88. AMD Offshore GmbH, Germany 89. American Bureau of Shipping, Greece 90. American Steamship Mutual P&I Inc, USA 91. AMK Technical Ltd., Greece 92. Amsail, UK 93. Anatolian Deniz İşletmeciliği ve Taşımacılık TIC. LTD.ŞTİ, Turkey 94. Anbros Maritime S.A., Greece 95. Anchor Marine Supplies Pte Ltd, Singapore 96. Ancora Investment Trust Inc., Greece