SAFETY | QUALITY | ENVIRONMENT Client List as of December 2024 (including all SQE Group past & present Affiliates) 195. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Cyprus) Ltd, Cyprus 196. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Hellas) SPLLC., Greece 197. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Hong Kong) LTD Partnership, Hong Kong 198. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (India) Private Ltd, India 199. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Singapore 200. Bernstein Tanker GmbH & Co KG, Germany 201. Bertling Transgas SA, Peru 202. Besiktas Likid Tasimacilik Denizcilik Ticaret A.S., Turkey 203. Blackpool & Fulde College, UK 204. Blackwell’s, UK 205. Blank Rome LLP, USA 206. Blaze S.A., Greece 207. Blossom Maritime Corp., Greece 208. Blue Communication Limited, UK 209. Blue Ensign Ltd, UK 210. Blue Fleet Management Co Ltd., Greece 211. Blue Line Ship Management S.A., Greece 212. Blue Ocean Maritime Inc, Greece 213. Blue Planet Shipping Ltd., Greece 214. Blue Shipmanagement Corp, Greece 215. BMS United Bunkers Ltd., Greece 216. BMT Smart Ltd, UK 217. Bogerd Martin NV, Belgium 218. Bomar G LLC, Germany 219. Bota Technik Sp. z o.o. Sp. kom., Poland 220. Botcamp Shipping Company Ltd, Greece 221. Bourbon Offshore MMI, UAE 222. BPCO Ltd, Greece 223. Brave Maritime Corporation Inc., Greece 224. Brenford Finance SA, Liberia 225. Brett Marine, Thailand 226. Briggs Commercial Ltd, UK 227. Bright Maritime Corp. (Manila Office), Philippines 228. Bright Navigation Inc, Greece 229. Brise Bereederungs GmbH & Co KG, Germany 230. British Bulkers Inc, Greece 231. Britoil Offshore Services Pte Ltd, Singapore 232. Brittany Ferries, France 233. Brodospas DD, Croatia 234. Brook Ocean Shipping LLC., UAE 235. Brookes Bell, UK 236. Brooklyn Mainport Ltd, UK 237. Brostrom Tankers France SAS, France 238. Brunei Gas Carriers Sendirian Berhad, Brunei 239. BSteinjan Consulting GmbH, Germany 240. Bulkseas Marine Management SA, Greece 241. Bureau Veritas (Cyprus) Ltd, Cyprus 242. Bureau Veritas Hellas SA, Greece 243. Bureau Veritas Marine (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Singapore 244. Byzantine Maritime Corp., Greece 245. C Transport Maritime SA, Monaco 246. Cabiro Shipping Co Ltd., Greece 247. Cachalot Denizcilik Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Turkey 248. Caltrek shipping & trading inc, Greece 249. Calypso Marine Co Ltd, Greece 250. Camogli Carte Nautiche SRL, Italy 251. Campbell Shipping Co Ltd., India 252. Canadian Nexen, Yemen 253. Canbaz Denizcilik Group, Turkey 254. Candida Corporation, Greece 255. Cape Lite KAN Marine Services, Cyprus 256. Cape Shipping S.A., Greece 257. Capital Gas Ship Management Corp., Greece 258. Capital Ship Management Corp., Greece 259. Capital-Executive Ship Management Corp, Greece 260. Carbofin Spa, Italy 261. Cardial S.A., Greece 262. Cardiff Marine Inc, Greece 263. Caribbean Management S.A., Greece 264. Carisbrooke Shipping Ltd, UK 265. Carl Büttner Shipmanagement GmbH, Germany 266. Carl F. Peters GmbH & Co. KG, Germany 267. Carmichael Shipping, Hong Kong 268. Carnaby Shipping Co Ltd, Monaco 269. Carnival Cruise Line, USA 270. Carras (Hellas) S.A., Greece 271. Cassiopea Sarl, Monaco 272. Castor Ship SA, Greece 273. Catsambis Shipping Ltd., Greece 274. Cavallo Marine Partners Ltd, Isle of Man 275. Cavodoro Shipping Corp., Greece 276. Cayman Registry, Cayman Islands 277. CCGS Jean Goodwill, Canada 278. Central Mare Inc, Greece 279. Central Ship Management Ltd, UAE 280. Centrofin Management Inc., Greece 281. Centurian Maritime Co Ltd., Greece 282. Century Bulk Carriers Management Co., Greece 283. Ceres LNG Services Ltd, Greece 284. Ceronav Romanian Maritime Training Centre, Romania 285. Chalos & Co PC USA, USA